I’m Sil. I work with language models. I’m a PhD student at Cornell University, researcher-at-large for the journalism non-profit Hacks/Hackers, and technology advisor for Health Tech Without Borders.

What do I study? I work on computational narrative understanding. I've written four workshop papers (here, here, here, and here) and one journal article (here). I’ve also taught two courses for the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas, Austin: see here and here.

I’m public! Wired, The Financial Times, and Le Devoir among others have all mentioned me or my work. I've also spoken at Harvard's CS50 (Introduction to Computer Science), the Nieman Foundation for Journalism, the Brown Institute for Media Innovation, and the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.

I’m looking to collaborate. Reach out to me on Twitter, over email, and through LinkedIn. I’m also on Libera and OFTC as srhm.








DocPlot semantic search in the browser, privately.
COVID-17 showcasing a counterfactual COVID narrative.
semantic-space for generating thesauruses from latent space.
adsb-utils for mapping ADS-B packets offline.
feature-space-explorer for plotting sentence embeddings in n-dimensions.



2023/10 Media Party Run LLMs On Your Laptop
2023/05 Brown Institute Workshop and Mixer on ChatGPT